A curriculum vitae of Kurt Heintz

  • The Pansy Kings' Holiday Pageant returns to Live Bait Theater. Heintz presents original "Shlock" video to accompany David Kodeski and Edward Thomas-Herrera, and offers two new poems. [videographer, poet]

  • The second Pansy Kings' Cotillion launches at the NeoFuturarium, Chicago, and features Heintz in roles as both videographer (presenting "Passage", a new poetry video with Quraysh Ali) and as performance poet.

  • Telepoetics visits Vancouver for another link-up featuring journalists as poets, called "Hot Off the Wire". [host, poet, media artist]

  • Telepoetics extends to Toronto for a three-city event: Toronto to Chicago, then to Vancouver. Chicagoans included Terry Jacobus, Inka Alasade, Monica Kendrick, and Michele di Falco. Torontoans included Sky Gilbert and noted dub poet Lillian Allen. [host, media artist]

  • Another Telepoetics round-robin brings link-ups with the Walt Whitman Cultural Arts Center, Camden, NJ and with the Stone Soup Poets of Boston, MA. [host, poet, media artist]
  • Heintz presents "Queer101: essential gay and lesbian viewing" for the Pride in Strength performance series at Zebra Crossing Theater; the program features videos and films of over a dozen gay and lesbian artists who work or have worked in Chicago, including the Chicago premier of Robert Blanchon's "let's just kiss and say goodbye". [curator]

  • In a first for the Telepoetics network, Heintz links to two sites outside the United States in one day, co-hosting performance poetry presentations with Mark Cheverton and Daniel Sturdy of the CB1 Cybercafe in Cambridge, England, then with The Edgewise Cafe (at Western Front) in Vancouver, Canada with Heather Haley. [host, poet, media artist]

  • Indellible Ink, a literary 'zine from Chicago, publishes "One Eon at Neo" as part of its anthology. [poet]

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