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- Lisa Buscani: performer, poet
- Heintz: video, direction
- 2 min
- screened: 1st Poetry Video Festival, Guild Complex, Chicago.
Director's comments:
This video is a direct companion to Bruce Neal's "Dogs."
Both videos are one-take wonders. And Bruce and Lisa were partners at the time these videos were
created, too, so the people involved are contiguous as well.
Essentially, Lisa had rehearsed "Sex Talk" as a play, a short performance in the NeoFuturist
tradition. All we had to do was to go out to a location which lent itself well to the theme, and roll tape.
We found a laundromat near her apartment (then in Chicago's
Lakeview neighborhood), and proceded to record. Even though the few people in the laundromat had
seen and heard the piece through a couple previous takes, they still reacted. Most of them shut up.
I like Lisa's
character for this piece. She's plain and weirdly up-front, talking girl friend to girl friend. The simplicity
suggests that the real business behind a poetry video isn't the medium but the message, the stuff of
poetry and earnest communication.
- Kurt Heintz
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